The Day the Earth Stood
Still (2008)
Derrickson |
Science Fiction |
Day the Earth Stood Still |
minutes |
Paul Harris Boardman
Gregory Goodman
Erwin Stoff |
Screenwriter (based on the 1951 screenplay by Edmund H. North):
David Scarpa |
The Day the Earth
Stood Still used to be a day when an alien lifeform came to earth
along with his mysterious robot and told the human race to keep peace
and be kind to each other, or else he had to destroy them (Robert Wise,
1951). In 2008, it was a day when a reminiscent alien (this time
looking like Keanu Reeves) came along with the same robot to tell us
that he had to kill us to prevent us from destroying the planet through
pollution. The message is clear, powerful and relevant; the movie is
neither of the three. Even though Keanu Reeves often is at his most convincing
playing non-humans, and does well enough in that respect here, he doesn't quite look
like the godlike being he could pull off ten years ago. And more importantly, director Scott Derrickson
never comes close to really blowing life into this story. It remains a
superficially eye-catching, but rather predictable and unengaging film -
despite its subject material. For some reason, there is no real nerve to
the predicaments presented - we don't feel cornered, we don't feel
threatened, and everything disappears as unnoticeably as it comes. The film has
some nice moments, most of which involve the great talent of Jaden
Smith, but when it comes to thematic and dramatic value, the kid's father made
a far better film in the same genre last year.