M. Night Shyamalan’s creativity is yet
again in full flow in this clever, exhilarating thriller about a
loving father (Josh Hartnett) and his 12-year-old daughter (Ariel
Donoghue) who attend a concert with the girl's favourite pop star,
Lady Raven (Saleka Night Shyamalan). Unbeknownst to them, the FBI
is using the concert as a trap to catch a serial killer known as The Butcher.
Shyamalan is an expert at setting the stage for his often ingenious
premises, and Trap is up there with his best entries in this
respect. As we become aware of Hartnett's plight, the director fires
on all cylinders and creates an atmosphere that will immerse even
today's attention-span-impeded audiences. What follows is a
cat-and-mouse game filled with conflicting perspectives and
considerations – plus some novel Shyamalanesque ideas. To get full
enjoyment out of Trap over the entire course of its running
time, you may have to turn a blind eye to a couple of
illogicalities, but this is a skill any seasoned Shyamalan viewer
will already have perfected. Hartnett is great fun in the lead. I
suspect we will see more of him in the near future.