The Tale (2018)
Jennifer Fox |
Drama |
Tale |
114 minutes |
Jennifer Fox
Oren Moverman
Laura Rister
Mynette Louie
Simone Pero
Lawrence Inglee
Sol Bondy
Regina K. Scully
Lynda Weinman
Reka Posta |
Jennifer Fox |
In this autobiographical film written
and directed by Jennifer Fox, we're taken on a soul-searching
memory-travel together with the Jenny character, played by Laura
Dern in present time and by Isabelle Nélisse in flashback scenes.
Fox' starting point here is our untrustworthy memory, and how it may
have processed and stored experiences and situations in order to
protect us, or for us to persevere. This idea is not novel, but
Fox' way of presenting it cinematically via various flashback scenes
and alternate versions of storylines is a little bit groundbreaking.
Whether or not it works for you probably depends on whether you're
interested in the concept itself. And to make matters even more
challenging, the main subject of Jenny's childhood is her special
relationship with two adult coaches: her riding instructor Mrs. G
(Elisabeth Debicki) and her running coach Bill (Jason Ritter).
The Tale is an ambitious,
stripped-down dissection of the protagonist's childhood/adolescence.
It's unapologetic and harsh. And – more importantly – largely
uninterested in what society or other interested or semi-interested
parties may have to say. This is Jenny Fox' story, and she – both
the character and the filmmaker – takes full ownership over it. The
film is crowned by magnificent performances. Laura Dern, Isabelle
Nélisse, Ellen Burstyn and Jason Ritter all put their heart and
soul into their parts. Nélisse is a special talent with more
sensibility than one can reasonably expect from someone her age. And
Ritter gives Bill a humanity and fragility which usually is unheard
of in parts like his. There's also fine acting Elizabeth Debicki and
Frances Conroy as Mrs. G. The movie won the Satellite Award for Best
Television Film. Filmed in 2015.