Liv og død (1980)     
Wam &
Vennerød's fifth feature film in as many years is another
exploration of relationship issues, identity and sexuality in the wake
of the sexual revolution. In Liv og død, their themes and
discussions have a sense of relevance and urgency, and although their
artistic voice might not exactly be fully honed or clear-cut, at least
it is in fact an artistic voice. In typical Wam & Vennerød fashion, the
drama alternates between powerful and stilted. The narrative is bumpy
and never quite flows, but the ménage à trois on show here is
progressive in the most essential and positive sense of the term, and to
put it to the forefront in a mainstream cinematic release in Norway in
1980 is commendable in and of itself. The three lead actors, Bjørn
Skagestad, Kjersti Døvigen and Audun Meling, close in on something
poignant in a handful of segments.