Terrifier 2 (2022) Preceded by:
The make-up effects are even more impressive, the story a little more elaborate, and the running time has increased considerably... but has Damian Leone's sequel become a better film than his Terrifier from 2016? Well, only if you really enjoy torture and body horror. Leone again demonstrates his remarkable savvy for being able to make almost any act of mutilation of the human body look (mostly) realistic. But if you during the film's fairly engaging first half are tricked into believing the story weaved around it all is in any way groundbreaking, or that the character arcs would turn out to be any more substantial than 'tormented-young-female-finds-her-inner-strength', then you are sadly mistaken. And this makes the repeated killings and horror of Terrifier 2 wear thin well before the 138 minute mark. The character of Art the Clown still is a rather amusing devil, though.